2023: Migration and education: critical propositive reflections
Migration and education: critical propositive reflections

With this special number, 'Voces de la educación' (Voices of education) offers both the general public and specialized audiences a wealth of texts focused on the complex socio-educational reality experienced by migrant populations in Mexico and the United States. Critical reflections are articulated, which, from various perspectives, contribute to the debate, analysis, and proposals to address the dimensions resulting from the direct and indirect interaction between education and migration.

This occurs in a context of the absence of public policy, where governments do not consider migration as a priority reality in their agendas and therefore lack specific policies, programs, and protocols for comprehensive attention.

With this, the central purpose of this number is to provide input (theoretical, methodological, and empirical) that contributes to the design of a new narrative where collaborative arguments are proposed to analyze, evaluate, systematize, and suggest inclusive educational actions that benefit actors at various educational levels in migratory contexts.

The challenge is significant: it demands human, situated, and transformative proposals, as those proposed by the authors in this issue.

Carlos Alberto Garrido de la Calleja Coordinator 
Portada Valeria Pérez Quintero, Facultad de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Veracruzana.