Education and poverty: catalysts for significant social change
Portada Numero Especial 2023
PDF (Español (España))


Financial aid
willingness to achieve and
cultural conditions

How to Cite

Castillo Viveros, N., & Rojas González, E. P. (2023). Education and poverty: catalysts for significant social change. Voices of Education, 108–130. Retrieved from


This research article explores the factors related to social change through education in contexts of impoverished and marginalized youth in Veracruz. For this purpose, it recompiles data from the collection of information gathered from a project on young people through a qualitative approach carried out in medium-sized cities of that state, in which the political participation of young people was the main focus, but the educational issue was very important to understand the youth trajectories.

Our article stems from the research “Promoting spaces for civic participation, inclusion and the reduction of Violence” sponsored by the IDRC (International Development Research Center of Canada). Which focused on the social inclusion and citizenship of young people in environments of violence, vulnerability and exclusion in the state of Veracruz. It was carried out in collaboration with the Universidad Veracruzana, the Municipal Services Center (CESEM) and the Movement to Support Working and Street Children (MATRACA-AC) during 2017 to 2020. The survey of the project from which we recovered data For this work, the research consisted of 20 focus groups, 46 interviews with young people and 14 with teachers in Xalapa, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz and Poza Rica, cities in the State of Veracruz. The data indicates that, at minimum, there are five factors that constrain youth educational projects: family income, aspirations, social context, social networks and teacher support.

These elements of contingent combination determine the youth trajectories identified in the school field and can explain both permanence and dropout from school in these cities.

PDF (Español (España))


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