Humanism and education: learning the joy of living
Portada Volumen 3 Número 5
PDF (Español (España))


Enjoyment of life

How to Cite

del Pozo Álvarez, J. M. (2018). Humanism and education: learning the joy of living. Voices of Education, 3(5), 49–55. Retrieved from


Humanism, historically associated with education - the Greek paideia - deserves to be rethought and recovered for education in a time of technological change so accelerated and so influential in the human condition that there are already those who talk about "transhumanism". It analyzes the polysemy richness of the notion of humanism and the value of humanistic training in the service of justice; and finally, its value as learning the very joy of living. In short, its high educational value.

Keywords: Humanism, education, transhumanism, justice, enjoyment of life

PDF (Español (España))

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