Conversations in educational networks with “raw skin” – problematicizing the dichotomy between fact and imagination
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Educational networks
Research on everyday life

How to Cite

Rangel, L., Lago Pinheiro, S., & Costa Rodrigues, M. (2024). Conversations in educational networks with “raw skin” – problematicizing the dichotomy between fact and imagination. Voices of Education, 126–148. Retrieved from


The aim, in this essay, is to highlight the singular movements based on research on everyday life and present other ways of “feelingperceivingimaginingthinking” in/of/with (the) world. We chose conversations with the authors to highlight that the formative movements take place in the networks that make up diverse everyday life, not in the subject, nor in the object, but in the relationships in the becomings.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Rangel, Sueli Lago Pinheiro, Marcia Costa Rodrigues


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