About the need to adequate health practices an education aimed to "troubled childhoods" and the new paradigms. A matter of rights
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Dueñas, G. (2016). About the need to adequate health practices an education aimed to "troubled childhoods" and the new paradigms. A matter of rights. Voices of Education, 1(1), 13. Retrieved from https://www.revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/voces/article/view/5


In the course of this article deals with different conceptualizations linked to the approach from the field of mental health and education and what they now offered to the daily issues attached to the childhoods and teens "in trouble". With the purpose to promote the revision of our practices and to encourage their adaptation to the new paradigms that we convene and thescientific advances relating to these topics, embodied in all national legislation in force. In doing so, it aims to contribute to re-orient the interventions that are performed both from the clinic and from the classroom through a holistic approach to health and education that supported in the privileged perspective that gives us a thought based on the complexity. That way will be able to work in the search for resources and social inclusive movements, the result of a dialog of an interdisciplinary nature and the work in intersectorial networks, which prioritizes in all times a gaze that think of children and adolescents as “subjects of rights", in a particular way to not be "object" of pathological and medical practices that significantly undermine, pawning their future.

Keywords: children; disability; pathologization and medicalization of education; stigmatization; rights approach in health and education

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